When I compose a sermon, I make sure the manuscript encompasses what I have called the 5Es. I have composed this outline as a guide to be certain that a sermon I preach is fully developed. It also applies to speakers and writers for various occasions:
5 E’s for Public Speakers & Writers
E = Entertain: The presentation must be interesting and enjoyable to be a part of. The attention of the listener/reader must be maintained or communication ceases. The mind of a bored listener will drift and eventually leave altogether.
E = Enthusiasm: The presenter must be excited about the material and this joy must be conveyed to the audience. The presenter must be animated, displaying how important the topic under discussion is for the speaker or writer. The excitement of the parishioner will rarely rise above that of the presenter. Enthusiasm underscores that the message is real and important, and the presenter desires the audience to share in the excitement.
E = Educate: The parishioner must feel that they have learned something new from the presentation. They must feel the time and monetary investment was profitable as some of the information received will be recalled and used in the future. They must feel that what they have learned will help them interpret other pursuits and ensuing life events. There must be a “timeless” nature to what they are learning. If the parishioner is not learning they will determine that there is no reason to continue with a personal investment of time and energy in the study.
E = Enlighten: The presentation must spiritually enrich the audience. They must feel that they have a better understanding of themselves and the meaning and purpose of life. A person will stop attending a study that leaves one despondent as opposed to being lifted up.
E = Encourage: The presentation must include an imperative, a challenge to action. This can take on many forms depending on the message; but, the message must encourage the audience to become intentional in their endeavors.